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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Glorious Appearing by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B Jenkins

Glorious Appearing by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B Jenkins

Armageddon is under way. Nicolae has gathered all those loyal to him and has thus created the largest army ever seen on earth to oppose Jesus and His followers. The Tribulation Force's numbers are dwindling, but they it's only a matter of hours before they see their Risen Lord and King descend upon the earth to take possession once and for all. As the hours tick down, the last hours of earth, the world spins into chaos and confusion as Satan takes his next to last stand against God. The believers know the battle has already been won, which is why they are keeping their eyes on the sky.

In the final book of such an end times series, nothing else can be said or done but to have Jesus triumph over all because there is no other end possible. This gives Glorious Appearing a non-fiction feel because a fiction plot needs conflict, and there is virtually no conflict in the end. Glorious Appearing cannot be Elite, yet that does not make it a bad book.

Character development is useless at this point in time because there is no more imperfection among believers. The sides are black and white, as it would be at the end. To say the least, it is not exemplary character development, yet there was nothing else to do at this point in the series.

This is the hardest book of the series for me to review because there are many elements that are realistic yet they go against my fiction standards I have laid down. Christians and everything Christian are invincible, but what would one expect? Satan and everything to do with him is weak, but what would one expect? Jesus and everything to with Him is perfect, yet this is the truth. This is the dilemma I am in. The biggest problem with the book is what? Any of the things I listed above? I do not know what the biggest problem is, yet I do not know what the biggest asset is either. It simple is what it is.

All in all, it has been an interesting if not landmark series in Christian fiction because it opened the door for Christian suspense. It brought Christian fiction out of the dark ages and to a point where it could be as good as it is today. It was not a mistake-free series, yet the idea was groundbreaking. At most points it was an enjoyable series, yet I am interested to see whether an author or pair of authors can make a better version sometime in the future.

3 stars

average series rating: 3 stars

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