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Monday, August 17, 2009

Life Everlasting by Robert Whitlow

Life Everlasting was a better sequel than I expected it to be. However, I still don't really think Life Support should have been continued.
Anyway, the plot of Life Everlasting is directly continued from the first book. It even contains the closing sentence of Life Support. From there, it's slightly interesting as all the characters from the previous book find out he's waking up. On top of that, two different detectives are investigating Rena's "mishaps". There are some major plot holes contained in those investigations. After several interesting chapters, including scenes further developing Gwen Jones' personality, the interest of the reader dwindles in the middle. It's mostly filled with scenes of Alex and Ted talking and of Ted playing the piano. Whitlow even came up with alternate love interests for the both of them just to fill time, it seems.
Then, suddenly, Whitlow realizes that he's wasted a lot of time and rushes up the end, causing the plot to have several obvious holes in it. The end of Rena's situations is satisfying, but the very end of the book could have been better, as could Baxter's situation.
I wasn't actually disappointed about this book; I'm just not a big fan of sequels. Needless to say, Life Everlasting did not make the Elite list.
3 stars

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