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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Finding Marie by Susan Page Davis

I must say, I liked Finding Marie better than I thought I would at first. It's the sequel to Frasier Island, and it's better than it.
The plot follows Marie, Pierre's bride, as she runs across the country guarding a secret she obtained from a now-dead woman she met on an airplane. Pierre and George try desperately to find her.
The fact that the book focuses on Marie this time around is interesting. She's a pretty good character; bordering on perfection.
Pierre stayed pretty true to his personality, even though he is now portrayed as the new perfect male lead.
The best thing about the story is that it's realistic. Davis doesn't push the "suspense" as much as other authors would in this type of situation.
The villain isn't portrayed as an evil hatemonger, though this is mostly because he's hardly in it.
The main downside to this book is, now that Davis has married her two primary couples, she thought she had to come up with a new one. It adds nothing to the plot but stupidity.
Thank God Susan didn't try to synchronize the title of this series like other authors would have.
All in all, this is Davis' best book to date.
3 stars

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