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Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Unseen by T L Hines

Lucas is a loner, but he's not alone. He creeps from one public building to another and lives wherever he can set up. He makes his bed wherever he stops for the day. He eats whatever he can find. He's a creeper.
He takes on odd jobs just for fun, but he really likes to watch people. He likes to watch them carry out their every day life.
But one day he comes into contact with another creeper. Lucas is not the only creeper out there. After some contact with this new creeper, he takes Lucas to a meeting of the Creep Club, a group of creepers.
But Lucas does not like them because they conduct covert surveillance on people in their houses just for fun.
Then Lucas is visited by a Dark Suit, a CIA agent who wants to stop the Creep Club and may also be a Chinese government agent.
Then a Russian Mafia hit man. Then some Venezuelan diplomats. Then a wasp-man.
All of these are villains of some sort. Normally, I would say that there are too many villains, and there are a little too many, but it all makes sense in the end.
As the reader is vaulted into Lucas' strange world, the reader begins to pick up on some of his oddities, like his always saying "Humpty Dumpty had some great falls," and his obsession for making Connections with people, and his feelings of Dark Vibration. Normally, I would say that such strange capitalization is juvenile, but it all makes sense in the end.
Things start to make sense after Lucas' showdown with the Creep Club, the Chinese agent, the Mafia hit man, and the wasp guy. It was one of the most entertaining final scenes ever written.
After all of this nonsense, it really gets down to the interesting parts. Hines flips genres on the reader and comes up with something very original. Very original indeed.
The main things keeping this book from being five stars is the oddities at the beginning and one plot hole that if removed, wouldn't be missed.
The book has a five star end. I never thought I would be saying that after The Dead Whisper On. But I think Hines has finally found his niche, it will be interesting to see what he produces next. (I hope)
4 stars

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